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NEO WOODWINDS - Modern Soloists

NEO WOODWINDS - Modern Soloists

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NEO WOODWINDS is a library collection of world class woodwind principal musicians. With decades of credits both on stage and on screen playing as principal chairs for the UK’s top orchestras. Alongside the meticulously captured ‘bread and butter’ articulations, there is an assortment of unusual and cutting edge performance techniques on offer that really set this collection apart from the crowd. 

From spellbinding true legatos that shine, to cutting edge tongue ram techniques and plosive percussive textures. NEO WOODWINDS can take you there. 


 (Flute GUI used for example. All GUI images are at the bottom of this page) 


Important Note: Neo Woodwinds requires the FULL version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or above (also works with the FULL version of Kontakt 6 /7). Do not purchase this if you only have Kontakt Player.


  • Piccolo, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Cor Anglais, Bassoon, Ensemble Patch
  • 12 GB Space required (pre-ncw compression)
  • 25,780 samples
  • 4 mic positions [stereo - L & R, Overhead & Room]

21 articulations (varies by instrument, listed below)

  • Expressive Longs (vib) (mf) [pl, fl, cl, bssn]
  • Marcato (4 rrs) (p-f) [pl, fl, cl, bssn]
  • Staccato (4 rrs) (p-f) [pl, fl, cl, bssn]
  • Staccatissimo (4 rrs) (p-f) [pl, fl, cl, bssn]
  • Trills st (mf) [pl, fl, cl, bssn]
  • Trills wt (mf) [pl, fl, cl, bssn]
  • Runs (up&down, up, down) (mf) [pl, fl, cl, bssn]
  • Flutter Tongue (mf) [pl, fl, cl, bssn]
  • Ornaments [st up, wt up, st dn, wt dn] (mf) [fl, cl] 
  • Plosives (Shorts) (4 rrs) (f) [pl, fl]
  • Plosives (Long) (f) [fl]
  • Tongue Rams (f) (4 rrs) [pl, bssn]
  • Multi-phonics (f) [bssn]
  • Whistle Tones (mf) [pl]
  • Sing & Play (mf) [fl]
  • Sing & Play (Woozy) (mf) [fl]

System Requirements

  • Full Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher [NOT Kontakt Player]
  • i5 or equivalent (i7 and up recommended)
  • 8GB RAM (16GB and up recommended, the more the better!)
  • 12GB Free Space minimum (SSD preferable)




CONTEXTUAL DEMO 1 (v2 update with Oboe & Cor Anglais)

DEMO: Neo Woodwinds, Neo Strings & Supporting Insanity Samples Libs in One BIG Underscore Demo






"A creative artist works on his next composition because he was not satisfied with his previous one." - Shostakovich

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Paul Graham
Again, a terrific collection of instruments!

Peerless set of instruments!!!

Neo woodwinds are nice

Very nice darker sound and selection of articulations for these Neo solo woodwinds which will work well for many situations as well as blending with other woodwind ensembles. They also compliment Neo strings and brass very well which I also have .


Really lovely collection of winds, beautifully sampled, with an extensive selection of artics that make it a hugely verstatile collection. Personal favourite is the Cor Anglais, but they are all superb.
Insanity Samples commitment to updates is a rarity in the industry, and should be noted and commended.

Super Excellent and Different.

Really nice to have as companion to other symphonic libraries. Plus sits really well by itself when doing modern, hybrid, and electronic. Well worth it. Nice to perfectly compliment rest of NEO series too. Plus, these always seem to be improving and updating…which is superb!

Slightly darker and moodier woodwinds. Lovely set of artications.

I am a bit of a woodwind sample nutter. I have many many sampled woodwind VIs. Still… this collection has a special place in my template, especially for slightly darker moodier atmospheres. Beautiful package, with the clarinet and piccolo as my particular personal highlights. But all of the instruments are recorded beautifully. Another pro are the extended articulations you won’t find that frequently elsewhere. Again, after NEO Solo Strings, another highly recommended purchase.